Saturday, November 1, 2014

What is an American

What is an American... well in my opinion to be an American is to be human.  If you are american you are of any racial background and not limited to just color.  In America there is a lot of racial profiling but it shouldn't be like that.  In the early 1900's and throughout the 1800's to be an american you especially had to be white.  Nowadays to be an american you are of any racial background and shouldn't be called out on being a different color.  When Columbus set out on his voyage and came upon the lands he found he didn't discover the land but conquered it so you can't really say that Americans where white cause they didn't find this land they conquered it.

The Native Americans that where stripped of there land where killed and to this day live in shitty reserves payed by our government.  And to be American does not quite make any sense because America is a land mass not a race.  You can live in America but you can't quite be american.  You are what your background is so in the case that someone tells you that they are American they aren't but they are actually European.  Just cause you are born in America doesn't mean you are american cause it is not a race so don't shed shy of your roots.  But if we are saying it figuratively someone who is American is a person who is hardworking and dedicated to what they do.  Nowadays its rare to find someone like that especially in America cause most people are so lazy.

So what is an American, well like I said it today it is people of every background.  If you are american you should be damn proud of it because to live in america is a lot of peoples dreams.  Now I'm not saying america is the best place in the world cause it has its flaws.  America has a type of government that a lot of people like, the rich, and a lot that dislike, everyone else.  The "american dream," as some people say is to have a good job, a nice house and a perfect family and that is how i feel because that is a dream worth living for.  To be an american is to be yourself and not be what people want you to be or try to make you become.  If you want to be successful in life you must do things yourself and by doing that you will fail but that is all about learning.

So to be an american would also be, in this generation, a fat, lazy, and annoying person who never shuts up about themselves and only cares for themselves.  Americans now have been deceived so much that it is so bad how they do not understand what is happening.  Americans nowadays do not have any clue about anything that is going on in there country and it is so sad.  Americans are constantly fed lies and they constantly believe these lies.  If Americans do not wake up from the illusions they are fed then what is to come for our generation is nothing.  It is said that for generations to come 1/3rd of Americans will have diabetes which means that we still have time to stop this.  There is food sold in America that is band in other countries which should be a wake up call for people.

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