Saturday, November 1, 2014

EPT Essay

Sue Jozui says, "We should boycott trick advertising and legislate rules and guidelines for advertisers."  I agree with Ms. Jozui but i also do disagree with what she wants to be done with advertisers.  I think that it is wrong for people to try and trick other people into buying a certain product.  It's wrong for them to be tricking us and feeding us lies about how there product is better than anyone else.  It is also bad because nowadays you can't trust anyone even the news because they are aloud to lie for these big companies so u really don't know what is in your product.  Also we have to take in factor that this is the peoples jobs so we shouldn't penalize the advertisers but the company that allows such deceiving methods of advertising .  What people have to understand is that all-in-all you shouldn't be so easily deceived by this type of commercial cause it's so obvious.  Another thing about taking away these types of advertising would be that most commercials today are deceiving.

  To boycott commercials would be something huge and honestly I think people today like to be deceived about there product for such bragging rights.  If I saw a commercial that promoted my product that I use and I tell all my friends to use it and then the next week they boycott these commercials and a new commercial shows that the product I use is shit I'm gonna feel stupid for bragging.  A lot of people today will go on and on about what is better than what based off of the commercials they see and what they are told but what they should really do is take the time out of there day to find out what is good and bad about the product they use.  One major issue with commercials is that a lot of these companies tend to go to the news to advertise there product and they pay the news company to lie about there product witch is legal but terribly wrong.  Also something you should worry about is these big companies have the money and power to pass laws to further protect there product.  A good example would be the company Monsanto and how Obama passed a law where they don't have to have the name of the company there  products.  I think people should take a little more time to further see what is really wrong and good with the stuff they use.

 And this is why I agree and disagree with Ms. Jozui about boycotting commercials but if I where to lean in favor with one side i would say to boycott commercials or at least pass a law where these companies have to be one-hundred percent positive with what goes in and what will come out of there product so people know and are better protected.  There is certain problems that we should address about commercials and what is wrong but that is for the future to decide.  Hopefully in the future people will wake up and realize what is happening with them.  This is something that people should worry about because our nation is ruined if we don't stop being so easily deceived.

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