Saturday, November 1, 2014

What is an American

What is an American... well in my opinion to be an American is to be human.  If you are american you are of any racial background and not limited to just color.  In America there is a lot of racial profiling but it shouldn't be like that.  In the early 1900's and throughout the 1800's to be an american you especially had to be white.  Nowadays to be an american you are of any racial background and shouldn't be called out on being a different color.  When Columbus set out on his voyage and came upon the lands he found he didn't discover the land but conquered it so you can't really say that Americans where white cause they didn't find this land they conquered it.

The Native Americans that where stripped of there land where killed and to this day live in shitty reserves payed by our government.  And to be American does not quite make any sense because America is a land mass not a race.  You can live in America but you can't quite be american.  You are what your background is so in the case that someone tells you that they are American they aren't but they are actually European.  Just cause you are born in America doesn't mean you are american cause it is not a race so don't shed shy of your roots.  But if we are saying it figuratively someone who is American is a person who is hardworking and dedicated to what they do.  Nowadays its rare to find someone like that especially in America cause most people are so lazy.

So what is an American, well like I said it today it is people of every background.  If you are american you should be damn proud of it because to live in america is a lot of peoples dreams.  Now I'm not saying america is the best place in the world cause it has its flaws.  America has a type of government that a lot of people like, the rich, and a lot that dislike, everyone else.  The "american dream," as some people say is to have a good job, a nice house and a perfect family and that is how i feel because that is a dream worth living for.  To be an american is to be yourself and not be what people want you to be or try to make you become.  If you want to be successful in life you must do things yourself and by doing that you will fail but that is all about learning.

So to be an american would also be, in this generation, a fat, lazy, and annoying person who never shuts up about themselves and only cares for themselves.  Americans now have been deceived so much that it is so bad how they do not understand what is happening.  Americans nowadays do not have any clue about anything that is going on in there country and it is so sad.  Americans are constantly fed lies and they constantly believe these lies.  If Americans do not wake up from the illusions they are fed then what is to come for our generation is nothing.  It is said that for generations to come 1/3rd of Americans will have diabetes which means that we still have time to stop this.  There is food sold in America that is band in other countries which should be a wake up call for people.


The Hard Times for a Kid

I’m a New York boy that’s lived around the world to know the difficulties of life for a colored person in certain areas.  I was born in Saint Vincent’s hospital in Staten Island, New York and lived in Tottenville, Staten Island for a few years.  My family was constantly moving cause of my dads job.  My dad was also in the military witch was a big impact on our moving as well.  I soon moved to a small town in Maryland where I lived for several years.

I lived in Hagerstown, Maryland for a couple years where my dad worked as a dentist and served in the military.  Till this day he flies back and forth every other week to Maryland to work.  When we moved to Maryland I attended Broadfording, which was a Christian school.  I had no problem making friends since everyone knew me cause my dad was the pastor of that schools church.  Maryland was one of those places that you are praised as a white but looked down upon if you are colored.  For a while when we lived there it was very difficult to go around to places without being stared.  But now that everyone knows us cause of my dad it’s more calm.  Soon we moved to Puerto Rico for about three years

I lived in Humacao, Puerto Rico in a community called Palmas Del Mar where I attended the private school in that community.  This was the first time I didn’t really see my dad all that much because he was constantly flying back to Maryland to work.  School was fun for me and I met many different people in that school.  Every year we visit Puerto Rico for our family vacation and stay in that community with our my grandparents.  During sixth grade we moved to Los Angeles, California where we still live till this day.

When I moved here I was home-schooled for the rest of sixth grade and then I went to John Burroughs Middle School seventh and eighth grade.  I now go to Fairfax Senior High School and have went here all three years.  One goal I have for this year is to get good grades and achieve what I didn’t in ninth and tenth grade.  So far I have had no serious problems with Fairfax and I actually enjoy going to Fairfax and wouldn’t rather go to any other high school.  Since I moved to California I have met many unique people and the people that are my friends, I'm glad I can call them that, are the best ever.  

Tottenvile will always be my home but I'm so glad that I've been given an opportunity to travel and meet so many different people.  California has opened my eyes to so many possibilities in life and I am so grateful of that.  Traveling and living in multiple different places really gives you an eye for what there is to pursue in life.  After high school i plan to take a road trip from california all the way to new York with friends and just explore what there is out there in this beautiful continent.

EPT Essay

Sue Jozui says, "We should boycott trick advertising and legislate rules and guidelines for advertisers."  I agree with Ms. Jozui but i also do disagree with what she wants to be done with advertisers.  I think that it is wrong for people to try and trick other people into buying a certain product.  It's wrong for them to be tricking us and feeding us lies about how there product is better than anyone else.  It is also bad because nowadays you can't trust anyone even the news because they are aloud to lie for these big companies so u really don't know what is in your product.  Also we have to take in factor that this is the peoples jobs so we shouldn't penalize the advertisers but the company that allows such deceiving methods of advertising .  What people have to understand is that all-in-all you shouldn't be so easily deceived by this type of commercial cause it's so obvious.  Another thing about taking away these types of advertising would be that most commercials today are deceiving.

  To boycott commercials would be something huge and honestly I think people today like to be deceived about there product for such bragging rights.  If I saw a commercial that promoted my product that I use and I tell all my friends to use it and then the next week they boycott these commercials and a new commercial shows that the product I use is shit I'm gonna feel stupid for bragging.  A lot of people today will go on and on about what is better than what based off of the commercials they see and what they are told but what they should really do is take the time out of there day to find out what is good and bad about the product they use.  One major issue with commercials is that a lot of these companies tend to go to the news to advertise there product and they pay the news company to lie about there product witch is legal but terribly wrong.  Also something you should worry about is these big companies have the money and power to pass laws to further protect there product.  A good example would be the company Monsanto and how Obama passed a law where they don't have to have the name of the company there  products.  I think people should take a little more time to further see what is really wrong and good with the stuff they use.

 And this is why I agree and disagree with Ms. Jozui about boycotting commercials but if I where to lean in favor with one side i would say to boycott commercials or at least pass a law where these companies have to be one-hundred percent positive with what goes in and what will come out of there product so people know and are better protected.  There is certain problems that we should address about commercials and what is wrong but that is for the future to decide.  Hopefully in the future people will wake up and realize what is happening with them.  This is something that people should worry about because our nation is ruined if we don't stop being so easily deceived.